Julius L. Chambers
NAACP Legal Defense Fund
Dick Gregory
Paul Robeson
Activist, Scholar, Singer, Football Player
Cornell West
American Philosopher and Political Activist
Samuel Pierce
8th United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Dennis Archer
Former Mayor of Detroit
Thurgood Marshall
Former U.S. Supreme Court Justice
Andrew Young
Former Mayor of Atlanta
Maynard Jackson
Former Mayor of Atlanta
Richard Arrington
Mayor of Birmingham
Robert Smith
Vista Equity Partners
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Civil Rights Activist
Franklin Williams
Phelps-Stokes Fund
Duke Ellington
Musician and Composer
Wyatt Tee Walker
Pastor and Civil Rights Activist
Ernest Finney
South Carolina Supreme Court Justice
Earnest “Dutch” Morial
1st Black Mayor of New Orleans
Willie Brown
Mayor of San Francisco
Earl Hilliard
Congressman, Alabama (7th District)
Wes Moore
CEO, Robin Hood
W.E.B. DuBois
Writer, Historian, Civil Rights Activist
Thurgood Marshall
Civil Rights Activist, Supreme Court Justice
Lester Granger
National Urban League
Jesse Owens
Track and Field Athlete (4-Time Gold Medalist)
Al Dotson
Managing Partner, Bilzin Sumberg
Marc Morial
Former Mayor of New Orleans
President and CEO of the National Urban League
David Dinkins
Former Mayor of New York
Charles Rangel
Congressman, New York (15th District)
John Hope Franklin
Lionel Richie
Musician and Composer
William Gray
United Negro College Fund, Businessman
Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.
Civil Rights Activist
Walt Frazier
Professional Basketball Player
Rev. Emmanuel Cleaver
Mayor of Kansas City
Robert C. Scott
Congressman, Virginia (3rd District)
Gregory Meeks
United States Representative, NY 5th District
Henry McKee Minton
Founder, Sigma Pi Phi